"Massaged" Salmon

Matthew Gray explains another interesting Hawaiian dish:

Lomi Salmon (pronounced low-me), also known as lomi-lomi salmon is a seafood dish that originated in Hawaii. It is typically prepared by mixing salted, diced salmon with tomatoes, crushed ice, and green onions. Usually this mixing is done by hand with a "massaging" action, which gives the dish its name (lomi is Hawaiian for "to massage"). Lomi salmon is typically found at modern Hawaiian luaus, and it is said to complement poi, the Polynesian staple made from taro. Although lomi salmon is not, strictly speaking, a traditional Hawaiian dish, it is still considered an integral part of a luau. The color red in the Hawaiian religion has ritual significance, and the ancient Hawaiians offered kumu, a red-colored fish, to the gods.

It sounds and looks like the Mexican and South American seafood dish called ceviche.

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